

Designer - Thinker - Laconic writer

Born again

If you ever work for Google, you will find out that young people are very valued there, and even inexperienced people have more chance to get a job than senior people with 15 years of experience. This is not always understood, because people don’t realize that psychologically speaking, inexperience is not the only trait characterizing young people in companies. What happens deep down is that old people with lots of years of experience have a strong probability of becoming (excuse my language) an « old fart ».....

Every culture has to be accessible to reach success

When I was doing mobile app design before, people would generally criticize my work saying that it was too unorthodox, that how to use these interfaces wasn’t clear and that I should imitate what has already been done. Strangely, they also said most of the time that it was beautiful nevertheless, so I never really understood what was the real problem behind all of this : if it’s beautiful, then where is the problem ?....

Banking system is not repairable

I am fed up with all these fucking banks which take your money and bet on casino games with it, while never ever asking for your consent, and not giving you a cent of the money they rake out of it back to you. And if they lose they will just declare bankruptcy and the government is going to pay you back only part of what you gave them, because the deposit insurance funds are limited.....