
Introducing myself

· 558 words · 3 minute read


After 2 years of working in a regular capitalist company and several months of unemployment, I decided I would stop trying to fit in the system and start exposing my thoughts to the outside world, hoping that some people would care since I, at least, consider myself to be producing very interesting thoughts. When you work nowadays, you get alienated : your personality, what makes you you and no one else, is stripped from you and you slowly become another clone of other working people, this is needed from you so you can fit as a gear to the mechanisms of the great whole machine of productivist capitalism. I could never see this as clearly as when I compare the life I had when working as to the life I have right now : now, it feels like my brain had been restricted before, physically reduced when I was working in a company. Because now it feels like it has been unleashed to its full potential, with all the ideas and fully baked opinions about the world coming to the surface naturally. As much as poverty can be difficult sometimes and bringing with it the lack of freedom to move, to travel, to start cultural or technological ventures, all of these things which money gave you; I could never feel as much freedom to think, to contradict, to imagine, to feel as I can now that I have the full power to decide what to do next in the day, what to read and not read, and what to study. I was thinking that maybe some people would appreciate my thoughts as I appreciate them a lot, and may in the end support me financially more than a company would. I also have that ability to live ascetically with very few money, so I don’t need very much of it after all. I want to try this at least, as I think that if I die after just working all my life, I would completely disappear; but if I die after writing my thoughts in the rock all my life, I might never die. And to think that, implies an enormous waste of potential : Everyone can work, but not so many can think : I saw it just too often with people around me.

I decided I would write in English, although English is not my main language. Western romans spoke latin in their everyday, but wrote in greek for all things intellectual because greek was considered after all the language of intellectual production and as such people were expecting sophisticated work to be propagating the greek tradition and also because a work in Greek could be disseminated in far more places than latin. As a result, I will follow this idea. I will make a Twitter account too, to publish aphorisms and maybe an instagram to publish midJourney’s outputs but it’s still not sure.

I wish then, that I will in the end make other like-minded people to notice me and follow me, so I will feel less alone thinking this way. I still think that I am not alone and that many people share the same worldview and the same ideals as me, and that they would appreciate hearing my opinion on multiple matters.

As latins themselves said : « Alea iacta est »